Jun142016 Exiting (Early!) your Life Sciences / Healthcare Startup @ Venture Center , Pune AdminAcademics
Jun142016 Discussion Meeting on Conflict and Cooperation in Cellular Populations (CCCP 2016) @ NCBS, Bangalore AdminAcademics Source : https://events.ncbs.res.in
Jun142016 Meeting on Cell Biology of Infections @ NCBS, Bangalore AdminAcademics Source : https://events.ncbs.res.in
Jun142016 Mechanical Forces in Cell Biology Meeting @ NCBS, Bangalore AdminAcademics Source : https://events.ncbs.res.in
Jun132016 Re-look at peanut genome to produce allergy-free, high-yield varieties AdminAcademics Courtesy : http://www.natureasia.com
Jun132016 DNA identification Act ; Can be very useful for identification of victims of disasters AdminAcademics Source : http://www.natureasia.com