Jan92017 The Untold Story of Yellowstone Bacterium that Sparked PCR, a must read AdminAcademics Courtesy : http://nautil.us/
Jan92017 Bharat Bhushan Chattoo (1949 – 2016), a Legendary Scientist AdminAcademics courtesy : http://www.currentscience.ac.in/
Jan82017 Welcome to the microbial jungle ; What science is discovering about the trillions of microscopic organisms that share your body, A Must read AdminAcademics Courtesy : https://www.fredhutch.org/
Jan82017 Seminar on “Scientific investigation using engineering principles and tools” @ IISER, Pune AdminAcademics
Jan72017 Bacteria: Exploration, triggered interactions and volatile signals AdminAcademics Source : https://elifesciences.org
Jan72017 Workshop on Microbial Identification, Preservation and Genome analysis @ NCCS – MCC, Pune AdminAcademics4 Comments
Jan72017 JRF position in Biodiversity and Palaeobiology (plant) group @ MACS-ARI, Pune AdminAcademics
Jan62017 Why biodiversity matters ; Welcome to the inaugural issue of “Nature Ecology & Evolution” AdminAcademics Courtesy : http://www.nature.com