Jan182017 A Nobel prize-winning physicist identified three simple steps to mastering any subject ; the Feynman Technique AdminAcademics Courtesy : https://qz.com/
Jan182017 India’s first GM food crop held up by lawsuit AdminAcademics Source : http://www.nature.com/
Jan182017 Abnormal “imprinting” of genes ; A mysterious method of gene control sheds its secrets AdminAcademics Courtesy : http://www.sciencemag.org/
Jan172017 The development of the tsetse fly immune system relies on endosymbiotic bacterium called Wigglesworthia AdminAcademics Courtesy : https://elifesciences.org/
Jan162017 Classic Spotlight: Bacteroids – Views of an Enigmatic Bacterial State in Root Nodule Symbiosis AdminAcademics
Jan162017 Training program on “Proteomics Approaches” for Women (Master’s Degree) in Life Sciences sponsored by DST, Govt. of India AdminAcademics10 Comments
Jan162017 Walk-in-interview/test for the posts of Research Assistant (2), SRF’s (2) will be on new changed date @ NRCG, Pune AdminAcademics Corrigendum : Walk-in-interview/test on 24/01/2017 instead of 23/01/2017