Apr152017 Hunger amplifies infectious diseases for millions fleeing the violence of Boko Haram AdminAcademics
Apr152017 Waging war against pancreatic cancer: an interview with David Tuveson, Director of the Cancer Center @ CSHL AdminAcademics Source : http://dmm.biologists.org/
Apr152017 Machine learning predicts the look of stem cells AdminAcademics Courtesy : http://www.nature.com/
Apr142017 23andMe given green light to sell DNA tests for 10 diseases AdminAcademics Courtesy : http://www.nature.com/
Apr142017 Her work has the potential to change the face of transplantation AdminAcademics Luhan Yang, cofounder and chief scientific officer of eGenesis, in its lab in Cambridge, Mass.
Apr142017 The life-saving treatment that’s being thrown in the trash ; umbilical cord blood AdminAcademics Courtesy : https://mosaicscience.com/
Apr132017 JRF position in the biodiversity and palaeobiology (plant) group @ MACS-ARI, Pune AdminAcademics
Apr132017 Leeches as a source of mammalian viral DNA and RNA – a study in medicinal leeches AdminAcademics News Source : http://www.sciencemag.org/
Apr122017 Getting my feet wet; to guide others who are willing to cross bridges in the pursuit of science AdminAcademics Courtesy : http://science.sciencemag.org/