Jun152017 Various research positions @ The Wildlife Institute of India (WII), Dehradun AdminAcademics
Jun152017 Advt. for the post of Teaching Associate @ Interdisciplinary School of Health Sciences, SPPU, Pune AdminAcademics
Jun152017 Advt. for the post of Teaching Associate @ Interdisciplinary School of Health Sciences (CCIH), SPPU, Pune AdminAcademics
Jun152017 Advt. for the post of Project Asst. under the UGC-UPE project @ Interdisciplinary School of Health Sciences, SPPU, Pune AdminAcademics
Jun152017 Advt. for the post of Project Asst. on Indo-Norway project @ Interdisciplinary School of Health Sciences, SPPU, Pune AdminAcademics
Jun142017 Admission Opened for Post Graduate Diploma in Patinformatics(PGDP) @ CSIR-URDIP, Pune AdminAcademics
Jun142017 Anti‐Microbial Resistance in the Indian Context Workshop Organized by Bioincubator @ Venture Center, Pune AdminAcademics
Jun132017 JRF position in the biodiversity and palaeobiology (Fungi) group @ MACS-ARI, Pune AdminAcademics