Aug12017 Walk-In-Interview for the post Research Asst. Microbiology (1) @ the Dept. of Alcohol Tech. VSI, Pune AdminAcademics
Aug12017 Walk-In-Interview for the post Research Asst. (1) @ the Dept. of Environmental Sciences, VSI, Pune AdminAcademics
Aug12017 Walk-In-Interview for the post Research Asst. (1) @ the Agricultural Entomology Section, VSI, Pune AdminAcademics
Jul312017 Collective Dynamics of-, on- and around Filaments in Living Cells: Motors, MAPs, TIPs and Tracks @ ICTS Bangalore AdminAcademics
Jul302017 An introduction to World Hepatitis Day 2017 & read WHO Global Hepatitis Report, 2017 AdminAcademics Sources;
Jul302017 National Initiative on Undergraduate Science (NIUS) Biology 2017 organized by HBCSE, Mumbai AdminAcademics