Aug182017 Walk-in test/interview for Research Associate (4) @ ICAR-National Research Centre for Grapes, Pune AdminAcademics
Aug172017 Conservation of microbes in plant roots: potential gains for agriculture @ Behind the Paper by Nature Microbiology AdminAcademics Source:
Aug172017 Seminar on tackling reaction initiation and improving time-resolution @ IISER, Pune AdminAcademics
Aug162017 Successful trial conducted on anaemic school children fed with Iron fortified wheat flour AdminAcademics
Aug162017 Ph. D Entrance Test (PET) Examination @ M.S University of Baroda,Vadodara, Gujarat AdminAcademics
Aug162017 Nobel Symposium on Protein Folding: Thoughts, impressions, and zingers @ CrossTalk by Cell Press AdminAcademics Source:
Aug152017 Women in Science: Forging New Pathways in Biology AdminAcademics Courtesy: