Aug282017 Interspecies nutrient extraction and toxin delivery between bacteria utilizing nanotubes @ Behind the paper by Nature Microbiology AdminAcademics
Aug272017 Skill development Programme on Techniques in Isolation, Characterization & Preservation of Industrially important Microorganisms @ CSIR-NCL, Pune AdminAcademics
Aug272017 An Introduction to Tuberculosis: The Pathogenic Personality of the Tubercle bacillus @ iBiology AdminAcademics
Aug262017 JRF vacancy to work on the molecular mechanisms of Alzheimer’s disease @ inStem, Bangalore AdminAcademics
Aug262017 Enhancement of Stipend in respect of “CSIR Diamond Jubilee Research Interns” AdminAcademics
Aug252017 Fantastic microbiological research you’ve come to expect @ Nature Microbiology AdminAcademics