Aug312017 Regulation of life span by the gut microbiota in the short-lived African turquoise killifish AdminAcademics
Aug302017 Return of the chain gang: infinite protein filaments in evolution and disease AdminAcademics
Aug302017 Transcription–translation coupling; direct interactions of RNA polymerase with ribosomes @ Vice-Versa AdminAcademics Ref:
Aug292017 A story of divided / multipartite genome, bacteria with two or more large DNA fragments @ Vice-Versa AdminAcademics Ref from;
Aug282017 Post of Project Assistants (14) under UPE Phase II @ IBB, SPPU, Pune AdminAcademics8 Comments
Aug282017 Link to enrich in a new series “Vice-Versa” @ Jaivikshastram AdminAcademics Design credit: