Nov102018 Directed evolution – bringing the power of evolution to the laboratory: 2018 Nobel Prize in Chemistry @Current Science @Jaivikshastram AdminAcademics
Nov82018 Bottom-up cell biology; a Special issue explores the potential and possible limits @Nature @Jaivikshastram AdminAcademics
Nov82018 In the Nucleus, Genes’ Activity Might Depend on Their Location @QuantaMagazine @Jaivikshastram AdminAcademics
Nov72018 The Natural History of Model Organisms: Chlamydomonas reinhardtii @eLIFE @Jaivikshastram AdminAcademics
Nov72018 Technical Asst. post under DBT Project in Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering lab @VSI, Pune @Jaivikshastram AdminAcademics
Nov72018 Identifying synthetic genes and understanding their use in bioengineering @Behind the Paper by Nature Bioengineering @Jaivikshastram AdminAcademics
Nov52018 Interdisciplinarity: How to make it work for you @IndiaBioscience @Jaivikshastram AdminAcademics
Nov52018 The National Research Scholars Meet (NRSM) 2018 @ACTREC,Mumbai @Jaivikshastram AdminAcademics