Jan292019 Synthetic Biology Tools to Engineer Microbial Communities for Biotechnology @Cell Press @Jaivikshastram AdminAcademics
Jan262019 Project assistant post under DBT Project @Dept. of Zoology, SPPU, Pune @Jaivikshastram AdminAcademics
Jan262019 Maharashtra SET Exam 2019 for Asst. Professorship @SPPU, Pune @Jaivikshastram AdminAcademics
Jan262019 Project fellow position under UGC-CAS PhaseIII Scheme @Dept. of Zoology, SPPU, Pune @Jaivikshastram AdminAcademics
Jan252019 JRF position under DST- SERB Sponsored Project in Nanobioscience division @MACS-ARI, Pune @Jaivikshastram AdminAcademics
Jan252019 Scientists engineer new CRISPR platform for DNA targeting @MIT @Jaivikshastram AdminAcademics