Nov192017 How and Why Cells Keep Time: The Cyanobacterial Circadian Clock, talk by Erin O’Shea AdminAcademics
Nov192017 From Egg to Worm: How to Create a Body Axis, How to Polarize the Cytoplasm AdminAcademics Source:
Nov192017 Perfumed antibiotics and sachet-induced evolution: fosfomycin testing in the clinical laboratory AdminAcademics Source:
Nov182017 When danger is afoot, these pigeons sound a warning call – with their feathers AdminAcademics
Nov182017 Bacteria sugar-coat their pili to fend off phages @ Behind the paper by Nature Microbiology AdminAcademics
Nov172017 Seeing the Beautiful Intelligence of Microbes AdminAcademics Source:
Nov172017 A promiscuous phage and its illiterate transcriptase AdminAcademics Source:
Nov172017 The flora in your spit that’s keeping you healthy AdminAcademics Source: