Feb222018 Office Asst. position in the Centre of Excellence for National Centre for Microbiol Resource (NCMR), NCCS, Pune AdminAcademics
Feb212018 JRF Position in the biodiversity & palaeobiology (lichens) group @ MACS-ARI, Pune AdminAcademics
Feb212018 Training workshop on “Skills in Developmental biology” @ Dept. of Zoology, SPPU, Pune AdminAcademics
Feb202018 Why Your Roses Smell Nice; Evolution has ensured that genes are most active when they are needed AdminAcademics
Feb202018 Seminar on Intracellular Parasitism – Survival Strategies of a Cell inside a Cell @ IISER, Pune AdminAcademics
Feb202018 Seminar on Temperature-mediated regulation of plant growth and immunity @ IISER, Pune AdminAcademics