Mar302019 Application Invited for M.Sc/M.Tech Project Training Programme @NCCS, Pune @Jaivikshastram AdminAcademics
Mar302019 Walk in written exam & interview for the various post under the Myanmar HIVDR study’ @ICMR-NARI, Pune @Jaivikshastram AdminAcademics
Mar302019 Seminar on “Wound Infections: Bridging the gap between in vitro and in vivo Model Systems” @IBB-SPPU, Pune @Jaivikshastram AdminAcademics
Mar292019 Philosophy of Biology: From primal scenes to synthetic cells @eLIFE @Jaivikshastram AdminAcademics Image Courtesy:
Mar282019 Artificial photosynthetic cell producing energy for protein synthesis @ELSI, Tokyo @Jaivikshastram AdminAcademics
Mar282019 New CRISPR-powered device detects genetic mutations in minutes @UCBerkeley @Jaivikshastram AdminAcademics