May212021 The mysterious microbes that gave rise to complex life @nature @Jaivikshastram AdminAcademics
May202021 Dosage Compensation: A Mechanism to Equalize X-linked Gene Products Between the Sexes @IAScBng @Jaivikshastram AdminAcademics
May202021 Sleep Evolved Before Brains. Hydras Are Living Proof @QuantaMagazine @Jaivikshastram AdminAcademics Click here.
May152021 From the Soil to the Clinic: How Infection-Causing Microbes Thrive Without Oxygen @Caltech @Jaivikshastram AdminAcademics
May152021 The History of Microbiology – A Personal Interpretation @AnnualReviews @Jaivikshastram AdminAcademics
May142021 Prokaryotic Organelles. Yes, There Are Such Things @STCmicrobeblog @Jaivikshastram AdminAcademics
May142021 Scientists Catch Jumping Genes Rewiring Genomes @QuantaMagazine @Jaivikshastram AdminAcademics