Exciting Field course in Conservation Science For youngsters

Registration Deadline: June 10, 2015
Start date: July 13, 2015
End date: July 23, 2015
Venue: Visakhapatnam and Eastern Ghats, Papikonda Hills and national park.

ATREE’s Academy for Conservation Science and Sustainability Studies presents Field course in Conservation Science For young professionals, Senior Graduate and Post‐Graduate students between 13th ‐23rd July 2015.

Protecting and conserving India’s biodiversity is a challenging and complex task. There has never been a more critical need for well‐informed professionals in our combined efforts to conserve India’s rich natural heritage. As a small, but significant step to meet this need the Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment (ATREE) is offering a comprehensive field based course on conservation science and allied social sciences needed to build a conceptually strong framework for effective conservation. The course will focus on conservation issues at the regional level but with a global perspective. A set of 6‐8 lectures will complement several half a day discussions and intensive project mode exercises in the field that will expose students to holistic perspectives, rigorous concepts, innovative tools and the latest techniques in conservation science. The 7‐8 day field‐based training in the Eastern Ghats is designed to maximize the student’s exposure to real‐life field

Eligibility: Applicants should have obtained a Bachelor degree in any discipline. Senior undergraduate and postgraduate students with a keen interest in nature and conservation can also apply. Number of participants will be limited to 15.

Location : Visakhapatnam and Eastern Ghats, Papikonda Hills and national park.

Application process: An application from the participant should contain
1. A one‐page justification by the candidate as to why this course is important to him or her.
2. Demonstrated aptitude or interest in the area of natural resource conservation‐ published articles, essays, other relevant activities and membership.
3. Recommendation by a Department Head or concerned Supervisor.
4. Good academic record including a minimum of a First class in any discipline with an active interest in conservation and willingness to learn and
5. Latest CV.

The course fee is Rs. 500 and includes boarding, lodging and course material. Travel expenses to and from Visakhapatnam will have to be borne by the participants. We are able to keep the course fee to a minimum through a core grant to ATREE’s Academy for Conservation Science and Sustainability Studies by the Tata Social Welfare Trust (TSWT).

Kindly send your application to [email protected] or post to the address given below by 10th June 2015. Applicants should indicate in the subject line (if submitting by email) or super scribe the envelope (if submitting by post) ‘Application for certificate course in Conservation Science’.

Contact information: Ms. Madhavi Latha, ATREE, Royal Enclave, Sriramapura, Jakkur PO, Bangalore

Phone: +91‐80‐23635555 Extn: 121, Fax: +91‐80‐23530070

Original advt : IndiaBioscience


Advice to a young scientist


Elisabeth Pain writes in current issue of science career advice about advice to young scientist, she adds up some of the current basic fundamental aspects of science.

  She discusses few important points to be remembered by students while pursuing career in science.

1) Choose well

2) Learn broadly

3) Allow yourself to ‘waste time.’

4) Establish a name for yourself.

5) Hone your communication skills.

Original Article Link:
