Jul162017 Bench to bedside; Myelination, Remyelination and Multiple Sclerosis @ iBiology AdminAcademics
Jul162017 A Research Life; Chapter & Verse, inside look by HHMI AdminAcademics Source: https://www.hhmi.org/
Jul152017 Inspiring #scibooks: celebrating 30 years of popular science writing by Royal Society AdminAcademics Find more books at
Jul152017 SRF Position on SERB-DST Project @ Dept. of Biotechnology, Modern College, Ganeshkhind, Pune AdminAcademics
Jul142017 Lights, camera, CRISPR: Biologists use gene editing to store movies in DNA AdminAcademics News Source: http://news.harvard.edu/
Jul142017 Talk & One on One mentoring session on Preparation for 11th Call of Biotechnology Ignition Grant (BIG) for Entrepreneurs and Innovators @ Venture Center, Pune AdminAcademics
Jul142017 Yemen is facing “the worst cholera outbreak in the world” AdminAcademics Source: https://microbepost.org/
Jul132017 An Inside Look, Zhijian “James” Chen; The Pathfinder by HHMI AdminAcademics Source: https://www.hhmi.org/