May32019 The Story of Free Use GFP (fuGFP) @ASM Small Things Considered @Jaivikshastram AdminAcademics
May32019 Increased vulnerability of bacteria in novel environments @IISER, Pune @Jaivikshastram AdminAcademics
May22019 Metabolism before ATP and enzymes @Behind the Paper by Nature Ecology & Evolution @Jaivikshastram AdminAcademics
May12019 Detailed Notification for Online Entrance Examination (OEE) for various courses 2019-20 @SPPU, Pune @Jaivikshastram AdminAcademics
May12019 Project Position under Production of Industrially Important Molecules @CSIR-NCL, Pune @Jaivikshastram AdminAcademics
May12019 Project Asst position under food processing project @CSIR-NCL, Pune @Jaivikshastram AdminAcademics
May12019 Project Asst position under Next gen Informatics project @CSIR-NCL, Pune @Jaivikshastram AdminAcademics